Currently Loving: Mario Badescu May 12, 2014
If you ask me what top 3 things I will splurge on, I’ll tell you it’s a good pair of boots, hair products, and skin care products. I fully believe when it comes to skin care, you get what you pay for. However, I’ve had trouble finding that one brand that really worked for me.
After having my son, my skin has just NOT been the same (heads up, prego ladies – nothing is really the same after you have a baby. Ask me why I wear black pants when I have to jump a lot at CrossFit…). I’ve noticed my skin scars more easily, my pores look larger, and while I don’t break out nearly as much as I did, my skin just isn’t like it used to be. I also refuse to believe this is age related because, well, I’m in denial that I’m approaching 30. (<—that was really difficult to type!)
My mom (mom’s always know best!) has been recommending the Mario Badescu line for months, and I finally decided to listen. And you know what? I’m really enjoying this line! I have combination skin, so my biggest needs when searching for a product are that it combats oil while prevents my skin from being overly dry. I’m also weary of moisturizers making my makeup slide off during the day.
Here’s what I’m currently loving on from the MB line.
Enzyme Gel Cleanser / Glycolic Acid Toner / Honey Moisturizer / Silver Powder
Do you use the line? What skin care products are you currently loving?
Nicole @ Just Live It says
Just out of curiosity, did you use a specific line when you were pregnant? I’m 12 weeks pregnant right now, and there are a lot of brands specifically for pregnant women. I just don’t know which ones to try! Ha, ha.