Mom + Baby // Tips on Comforting a Colicky Baby March 9, 2016
There are many things people don’t warn you about in motherhood. You can have all the baby items in the world and it still doesn’t prepare you for what’s to come. I don’t really think there is anyway to be prepared, but there were certain things I would’ve loved to have known prior. Like colic, for example.
I’m not 100% sure if Landon had colic because I’ve heard of babes who were worse. But let me tell you. It. Was. Brutal. My son screamed his head off ALL day long for the first three months. Even when he was fed, dry, and not tired. I tried everything. The gripe water, the gas drops, the colic tabs (these did finally work!), but it was such a daunting experience to have your baby scream and cry and not be able to do anything to fix it. I did an elimination diet, avoided all the gas causing foods, bicycled his legs, rubbed his belly, EVERYTHING. I made the calls to the pediatrician begging for answers, only to get the response “Their GI systems are just getting started, it will get better in a few months!” And finally, after three months, it stopped. And all was well in the world.
With Noelle, I prepared for the same thing, keeping in mind that her GI system would need time to get going. I stocked up on the colic tabs because those were what provided a little relief the last round. Except this time when it hit, NOTHING was working. Nothing. She would scream for the entire afternoon and it got to a point where I felt like I was losing my mind. My husband would come home and I would immediately pass her off to him and leave the house. So one day out of desperation, I went to my local drugstore and bought everything that promised it would help with colic and gassy babies. I had heard about GERBER® Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops when Landon was a baby, but never actually tried them. I decided to give them a go this time because I’d heard only positive reviews. Plus, what did I have to lose?
And they worked. They actually WORKED. After about a week, I noticed a significant difference in Noelle’s happiness. She still cried, yes. And of course still does (she HATES the car seat. HATES IT!). But she’s no longer gassy, and no longer screams her head off before a poop. Our afternoons are much more peaceful in our house.
Did Noelle have actual colic? I’m not sure. But regardless, I’m just happy the GERBER® Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops worked! GERBER® Soothe products contain L. reuteri is a probiotic that is safe for infants and naturally found in breastmilk. Research indicates that the type of bacteria in the infant’s intestine may determine whether a child is colicky. This suggests a role for probiotics to help support a balance of the GI tract. I used the GERBER® Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops because Noelle is breastfed, but they also carry a GERBER® Good Start Soothe Infant Formula.
Some other tips for comforting a colicky baby:
White noise. We use white noise with both of the kids for naps and bedtime. But when she’s extra fussy for whatever reason, it calms Noelle in an instant. I keep an app on my phone specifically for white noise, and I swear by it. White noise mimics the sound of when baby was in the womb, which is why it’s so comforting to them!
Swaddling. We are big on swaddling in our house. It helps calm her down and also avoids that startle reflex babies have, which can wake them up mid-sleep. I swaddle Noelle before every nap and bedtime, but eventually this will have to stop when she’s rolling frequently.
Movement. On extra fussy days (I notice this usually happens when a big change is about to take place with her development), I put Noelle in one of my favorite baby wraps and just wear her around the house as I’m getting things done. It’s great to be hands free, and the movement rocks her to sleep. She’s comforted, I’m able to check off my to-do list, and everyone is happy.
And this one is specifically for the parents. Breathe. Wear ear plugs. Play music. Put baby in a safe place and step outside for a minute. Excessive crying can make anyone feel like they’re losing their mind. It’s okay to put baby in his or her crib (or another SAFE place) and go outside for a couple minutes if needed, just to clear your head.
I’m so thankful GERBER® Soothe Probiotic Colic Drops were our formula for happiness in our house! If you’re looking for some colic help, you can purchase the drops here and the formula here. For more information on feeding and colic concerns, you can visit GERBER®‘s resource for moms here! We are still using the drops to this day! Now if only I can get her to stop screaming in the carseat.
I would love to hear your formula for happiness and if you have any other tips on colic!
Janessa says
I also used the Gerber Soothe drops, and they changed my life! I’m expecting my second, and this post was a good reminder to stock up. Noelle is the cutest! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer ( says
Hi Lauren (my due date twin :). I haven’t blogged much lately because my girl had colic as well. Lose my mind colic. No sleep, scream your face off day and night colic. She still doesnt nap, but she’s finally, almost 6 months later, starting to come around. I’m so exhausted lol. A colic baby and a 2 year old with a husband that travels all the time were about more than i can handle. This too shall pass and i will feel human again, hopefully sooner than later lol. Take care!
Tawni Kuhling says
I would love to try out the baby jogging stroller!! I need to lose this baby weight. Lol. Everything in this giveaway is amazing!! ❤