Newborn Must Haves
Being a first-time mom was so overwhelming. I had no idea how to prepare, and I registered for everything under the sun because I didn’t know anything different. Every parent has their preference for baby items and ways of doing things, so I had numerous friends tell me I “needed” a variety of things. Thankfully the second time around, I was much less overwhelmed and knew exactly what I needed to make it through those first few crazy months of newborn-ville. Babies”R”Us is always my go-to for baby products because they have everything one could possibly need for a baby of any stage. Today I’m partnering with Babies”R”Us and Pampers to tell you some of my newborn must-haves that helped me survive the first 100 days of both my babies’ lives!
(Photo by Alicia Ann Photographers)
A white noise machine. I learned this early on with Landon, and immediately used it with Noelle. The sound of white noise mimics the sound of the womb, so it’s comforting to baby! My kids have always slept better with white noise, and I also don’t feel like I need to be as quiet around the house. Anytime Noelle is fussy from being tired, I play white noise on my phone and she passes right out.
A swaddle. Again mimicking the womb, a swaddle also controls the startle reflex which babies have for a few months after birth. That reflex could potentially wake them up sooner that necessary! I really love this one for when they’re really little, and this one for when they’re older and transitioning out of the swaddle. I always recommend these two products to my new mom friends.
A Rock ‘n Play. This thing saved our lives with both babies. We totally used it for over night and nap times with repeated success. Our babies slept better and longer in the Rock ‘n Play than anything else. Of course, we then had to transition them to the crib where they were laying flat, but I didn’t care. Those first few months of sleep are brutal, and you gotta do whatever works!
Diapers. This obviously goes without saying, but they are a necessity! I like to keep two different sizes on hand the first month because baby grows so quickly. When the blowouts start to happen, it means it’s time to go up a size! Noelle was out of newborns in a week, and then out of size 1 the next month! It’s pretty amazing just how fast they grow. I used to use that other cute brand of diapers until I realized just how much money I was paying and that they never held up against blowouts (blowouts were happening even with a size change). I love Pampers because they ALWAYS do the job, plus they have the wetness sensor. That little thing is SO helpful. Just check to see if the line is blue, and if it’s still yellow then no diaper change needed! Trust me, you’ll want that in your sleep deprived state!
Stain Remover. Since blowouts are bound to happen (again, when baby is ready for a new diaper size!), I like to keep Dreft stain remover on hand to combat those newborn poop stains. Those stains can be real pain to get out, so I immediately spray on some Dreft and throw them in the wash right after they happen. This will help those onesies last longer!
NoseFrieda. When I first saw this contraption, I thought it was disgusting. But after I realized that NO, I will not be sucking my child’s snot into my mouth, I realized it’s a pretty genius invention. Those bulb syringes they give you at the hospital never worked for me. Plus, how are they cleaned? I was always worried they would get moldy. The NoseFrieda is clear and easily dismantled for cleaning, and you control the suction. It’s way easier to use than the bulb syringe, too. Babies tend to have a little mucous after delivery, seeing as they were just instead of fluid for 9+ months, so this is always something good to have on hand.
A baby carrier. Seriously, necessary for your sanity. It doesn’t matter which one you get, although I’m partial to the Solly Wrap, Ergo, and Sakura Bloom Sling depending on baby’s stage (you don’t need all three, I just like each of them for different things. One is sufficient!). Wearing your baby will allow you to be HANDS FREE, and while that might not seem important right now…trust me. It is. Especially if you happen to have a colicky baby.
This last one is for you breastfeeding mamas. Nipple cream! I lived on this for the first 3 months with Noelle. Your nipples will most likely be sore for a bit, and this lanolin nipple cream really helps.
Of course, it goes without saying that you’ll need way more than this, and I’ll be posting a registry list soon of ALL of my favorite products for every category of baby needs. However, these six products are my tried and true and ones that I could not live without. The first 100 days of baby’s life are kind of a blur as a first time parent, and it’s all about survival mode! You will learn what is best for you and your family as you go, and maybe there are other products you find more necessary than these. For more Must Haves at Babies”R”Us, head over to their Pinterest page!
Stay tuned for my registry post in the next couple of weeks where I share every single products we’ve used and loved!What are some of your newborn must haves?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Babies “R” Us/P&G/Pampers. The opinions and text are all mine.
[…] {via Lauren McBride} […]