[…] Here’s the Link to her Book Club Post! […]
Motherhood & Marriage Books and Book Club Announcement January 2, 2018
One of my personal goals for the new year is to work on myself as a mother. This pregnancy has been very stressful for me, and I feel like I haven’t been the absolute best mom I can be because of the stress and my inability to provide self-care. I’ve mentioned this before, but exercise has always been my go-to for self-care because I’m able to completely disconnect for an hour and clear my mind. The endorphin release leaves me feeling re-energized and motivated, and I’m always in a much better mood regardless of how my day goes (seriously, a hot yoga class is SO good for the mind, body, and soul).
Being put on preterm risk again this pregnancy resulted in me have to stop all forms of working out at 24 weeks pregnant. This has DEFINITELY affected me in more ways than I care to admit. I never realize how badly I thrive on a yoga class or another form of exercise until I’m cut off from doing it. And it’s not something I can easily replace…many have suggested I just “do something else” for myself, but my self-care doesn’t come in the form of pedicures or a spa day (nor should it, in my opinion).
Anyways, this time off has helped me realize that I really need to care more for my mind, body, and soul…especially as a mom. As part of my personal goal, I really want to take up reading again (I feel like it’s been YEARS since I’ve actually read a book), but not just a trashy novel here or there. I want to read mindful books on motherhood and devotionals that will benefit me as a mother. Many of you had agreed and loved the idea of a little book club, so here are my plans for this year!
As I mentioned over on Instagram…this “book club” is not to be stressful in any way. I can’t have it be, I have no time for that, haha! And I’m sure you don’t either. I’m keeping it super low key and just letting you know what books I’m diving into and when. We can discuss monthly in the comment section, and I’m open to suggestions on how to have a better discussion. Each of these books are set up in quick excerpts…for instance, 2 pages complete one “chapter.” I like this because I won’t necessarily be able to sit down every day and devote time, and it will be easy for me to catch up if I miss a few days. I also feel we can ALL benefit from a discussion even if we haven’t specifically read to where another person is at.
This might be a total fail, and I’m totally open to suggestions! I will be sure to post a blog post on here where we can discuss in the comments, BUT also have a discussion in my Mamas Unplugged with Lauren McBride motherhood Facebook group (if you haven’t joined, you’re more than welcome!).
Here’s the book list of what I plan to dive into this year!
1 // Breathe, Mama, Breathe by Shonda Moralis, MSW, LCSW
I saw this book back during Anthropologie’s Black Friday sale, and it intrigued me because it’s totally what I felt I needed at the time (and still do!) I’ve already started reading a few excerpts and I love that the author is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and provides actual SKILLS instead of just telling you what to do. You can purchase it on Amazon here.
2 // Love Unending: Rediscovering Your Marriage in the Midst of Motherhood by Becky Thompson
I started reading this book awhile back and never finished (my biggest flaw when it comes to reading), but it was SO incredibly helpful at the time. Let’s face it, kids can take over our marriage and we often feel we “lose” what we once had. This book really gave me insight on how to get that back, and I could definitely use a refresher after this baby arrives. Just a heads up, it is faith-based (the author is Christian), so there are excerpts from the Bible and sections involving simple prayer. I just want to throw that out there in case it’s not your thing (which is totally okay!). You can purchase it on Amazon here.
3 // A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living by Emily Ley
This book came highly recommended, and I’m really looking forward to reading it! I’ve felt incredibly overwhelmed with STUFF and life the past few months (being pregnant I’m sure hasn’t helped), and I could definitely use some encouragement to simplify and live with intention. I also personally love the author, so I have no doubt it’s good! I do believe this one also touches on faith a bit. You can purchase it on Amazon here.
4 // Grace, Not Perfection: Embracing Simplicity, Celebrating Joy by Emily Ley
Another one by the same author as above, and another focus on simplicity and being joyful in what we have instead of striving for perfection (we can all use a little of that, right?!). I’m really looking forward to this one as well. You can purchase it on Amazon here.
5 // Because Crack is Illegal: A 30 Day Devotional for Moms by Raema Mauriello
If I’m being honest, it’s the name that drew me in to this book, haha! This is another faith-based book, and a 30 day devotional for moms. I’m all about real-ness in motherhood, and if that title isn’t REAL then I don’t know what is! You can purchase it on Amazon here.
6 // Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart by Becky Thompson
The same author as Love Unending, and another book that focus on grace and not perfection as a mother. It’s another 21 day devotional, and also faith based. Each day is a little bit longer of a read than Breathe, Mama, Breathe, but it’s an EASY read and very much focused on real life situations that will make you LAUGH and totally relate. I’ve read a few chapters into this one, and it’s fantastic. You can purchase it on Amazon here.
7 // Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker
Sorry guys, another faith-based one! But she is so, so good! This came highly recommended in my mom group, and I love her realness even from the first page. You can purchase it on Amazon here.
This is what I have on my list for now, but I would also LOVE to hear any recommendations (and maybe some that aren’t faith-focused!) from you ladies if you have them as well! I’m still trying to figure out the best way to go about this, but I’m currently thinking a post on the last Sunday of every month sounds like a good idea for a discussion (and gives time to catch up). ALSO, do NOT feel like you need to participate in all of these (or any, for that matter!). We have to be realistic with ourselves, ya know?
The first book I’m planning to dive into, and I hope you will too, is Breathe, Mama, Breathe. I’m going to mark down Sunday January 28th in my editorial calendar as the big blog based discussion on it. I’ll write up my thoughts, and then we can discuss in the comments and maybe even have an Instagram Live as well (and a Facebook live in the Mom group!). I’m still deciding on how to make the Instagram Live work with no creepers, so I might be creating a separate Instagram page specifically focused on this as well (that I can go private on!).
I’d love to know if you’re joining me in a comment below! SO looking forward to doing this with you ladies! And please leave more book suggestions below as well! 🙂
Jenny says
Count me in 🙂
Tamara Baker says
The whole-brained child is suppose to be amazing. I actually JUST started reading it.
Miriah Hoagland says
So excited to read these books along with you all!! I think all of these books look great and just what I need.
Jacquelyn says
Courage to become by Catia Hernandez Holm
Rachel Gill says
Cultivate by Lara Casey is another book that could be great for this group!
Jennifer (@nuckingfutsfarmhouse) says
I absolutely love this idea! I have fallen off the reading wagon as well, which just kills me considering I was an English major! Self care of the mind, body & soup is so important – I’m definitely in!
Kory says
I’ve read both of Emily Ley’s books, and I definitely think you’ll enjoy them. I was actually going to recommend GNP after watching your Instagram stories on books that aren’t super faith based. Everyone is going to want to start decluttering when they read A Simplified Life, so I think it would be super fun to chat about what people are doing while they read and after they finish that one.
I just finished reading You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero, which might be a fun one for everyone to read. It’s sort of woo-woo, but it’s a good kick in the pants (she’s pretty blunt at times).
Heading to buy the first book now 🙂
Sabah Naqvi says
I’m definitely down for a book club and would love to join you. I’ve a 10 month old son, just an FYI and I hardly read so that’ll be a good motivation for me, as well as good for my mind. Thank you for doing this! I’m excited!!
Heather Reyes says
Toddlers are Assholes – Bunmi Laditan
This book is GOLD and so hysterical because of how accurate she depicts life with kids!!
Amanda says
The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers- Reclaiming our passion, purpose, and sanity… by Meg Meeker. It’s an awesome read!
Courtney says
Yes! Already started reading it and excited for the book club!!
Sara D says
Love this! Looking forward to the encouragement to read more!!
Karri says
Braiding Sweetgrass is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. It’s very much rooted in nature and history, but also just a great all around life book. Not faith based but sort of spirit based with old cultural traditions and values. It’s a great book for the soul.
Michelle says
The universe has your back by Gabby Bernstein. One of the best books I have ever read.
Sarah Caldwell says
I love this, and I’m so excited! I as well desperately need to take more care of myself mentally, physically, and emotionally. My goal this year is to eat healthier, exercise more, and read too! I used to read so much and ever since I had my baby girl, I found myself not having time for myself which is obviously no good! I also need to focus on my marriage more. Im just so excited for this book club! 🙂
Kiana Probst says
Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford!
Love that book!
Misty Wright says
Yes! I can’t wait!
Traci Daniel says
Can’t wait! I already purchased 3 of these from your stories awhile back.
Jenna says
Ordered Breathe, Mama, Breathe just now and can’t wait to start! I used to read a ton and have lost that over time with the busy-ness of life and being a mom. I am now expecting number two in March and need to re-Center and take care of myself as much as possible! Thanks for putting this together, I am SO looking forward to it!!
Mariah says
Uninvited by Lysa Terkehurst is absolutely incredible! But it IS faith based.
Kendra Johnson says
Excited for this Motherhood Bookclub. Thank you for doing this.
Jessica Small says
Totally in! These book are exactly what I need right now. I’m getting Breathe, Mama, Breathe ASAP!
Briana Lykkegaard says
I’m an American mom married to a Danish husband so our babies are half Danish and I’ve noticed how well behaved babies are in Denmark compared to the US (unlike my 1.5 year old ????????) so after realizing this I actually found a book about it…
-The Danish Way of Parenting
And another highly recommended book that I’ve fallen in love with is..
-Bringing Up Bebe
Which is written by an American mom living in France and all of the cultural differences that come with life overseas and advice on how to get babies sleeping through the night at just a few months old.
Cathriona says
I just ordered the first book. I’m currently reading and loving Hope Unfolding!
Tracey says
I’ll be joining and am very excited!
Christie says
This is an amazing idea! I will definitely be joining! Looking forward to this kind of fellowship! I’m guilty of neglecting self care and tiny living has only made it harder.
Gina Perry says
The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabary, Phd.
This book was amazing! My girls r older now
But I wish I had found it a lot sooner! U will love it!!!❤️
Christina says
The Magic of Motherhood by Ashlee Gadd may be a good addition to your list!
Kerry says
I’m so excited for the book club! Really needed something like this!!
Grace K says
I recommend “Yes Please” by Amy Poehler. It’s an extremely funny book that touches on parenting, love, divorce, co parenting, self love and life. There is something for everyone! I got it on audible because I love Poehler and couldn’t wait to hear her narrorate her book and it was so much fun! My hubby even listened to it and said it was great!
Lauren Keebey says
I’m totaly in!!! I already bought Breath Mama Breath so I’m so excited that that will be your first book! Your list looks amazing! I want to read them all! One of my goals for this year is to be more mindful and not only become and better mother and wife but also to focus on myself sometimes so I think this book club is going to help me on that journey!
Nikki says
Love this, can’t wait to get started! [full disclosure: I’m also terrible at finishing a book]
Recently it was recommended I check out “The 5 Love Languages of Children”….maybe to add to book club?
Brittney says
I know that you are looking for more devotional like books, but I picked up Desperate by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson after it came highly recommended. I haven’t had a chance to dive in yet, but the bits that I have read are great!
Katie Hare says
I’ll be joining! Can’t wait!
Aarika Miller says
I’m very excited for this book club! Ironically I own most of these books already but haven’t read them, yay for some motivation!
Amy says
Rising Strong
Braving the Wilderness
Loving my actual life
No more perfect parents and kids
Kate says
Brene! ????????????
Anca De Leon says
I’m so excited to join! I also love how easy it will be to keep up with it, let’s be honest life happens and the last thing you need is to stress out if you finished the carpeted or not that week.
I’m currently reading Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado (faith based) and is easy to read and lighthearted.
Looking forward to more details to come about the book club.
Anna says
I will be joining the first book with you, Breathe, Mama, Breath! I just bought it off of Amazon yesterday and it’s supposed to arrive on the 4th. I’m excited! I have a 4 and 2.5 year old and am currently 30 weeks pregnant so I’m really hoping it’s easy to keep up with!
Maria says
This is a great list!
Can’t wait to follow along:)
Meredith Cagle says
Hey Lauren,
I will be joining the group. I am an empty nester. I think these books will help me as well.
I am a yoga instructor and totally relate to the hot yoga classes. There is no other feeling in the world like that.
I look forward to the book club.
Mara says
The whole brain child by Daniel siegel and 5 love languages of children by Gary Chapman. I have only read half of the whole brain child and have not read the love languages one but have heard good things and enjoyed he marriage version.
Julia says
A book club sounds like a great idea. Several of the books you mentioned I have been wanting to read. I highly recommend Shauna Niequest Savior, is a devotional. I love everything I’ve read by her.
Natalie says
Another great book that I LOVE is Slow Down by Nichole Nordeman. One of my FAVORITES! So real & so honest. She is faith-based but it’s not one of those books where it shoves beliefs down your throat. It is seriously the BEST! ????
Melissa says
This could not have come at a better time. Being a mid forty’s Mom of a 2yo and 4 mo old has had so many challenges with losing my self care. Also, losing that emotional connection with my husband because of crazy hormones and sleep deprivation. 2018 is my time to reset marriage, motherhood and me.
Thank you- my book has been ordered!
Melissa says
This is such an awesome idea! Count me in, for sure!
Amy says
Triggers By Amber Lia
Practical, real, and yet so full of truth. Short
chapters too!
I’m in! Love reading everyone else’s suggestions!
Kendra says
I love this idea and all these books sound great! Can’t wait. Just ordered Breathe Mama Breathe!!
Laura Hohwald says
I’m joining You!
Brooke says
I’ll be joining! I already bought Hope Unfolding when you recommended it a month ago and it’s fantastic. I’m excited for this book club!
Beigeandhoney says
Non-Faith Based Suggestion: Present over Perfect! I want to read this one so badly!
Kate says
I own a couple of these and would love to get into some discussion (and in all honesty be held accountable for actually reading)
I’m a mental health therapist in profession but I am the first to admit I am not the best at putting my own breathing mask on. I am looking forward to grounding myself in some of this reading and hoping to come away with stronger insight than I am going in with.
I would also like to throw out Brene Brown as a thought. Literally everything she writes is fabulous and provides a platform for really deep reflective discussion, but in particular I think Gifts of Imperfect Parenting, Rising Strong, and Daring Greatly would be most relevant to the theme you have going.
Diane says
Just ordered the first book ????????
Geri Blust says
So excited you announced this! Can’t wait to read this first book!
Leigh Burris says
Yes count me in! I am excited for this and thank you
For taking the time to put this all together. Excited to learn and grow!
Leigh Burris says
I should note I’m a mother of two teenage girls, a 2 1/2 year old and a 10 month old 🙂
Steph says
Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner is one I’ve wanted to read!!
Melissa says
I would so love to join this book club. I’m currently halfway through my third pregnancy, totally feeling it physically and emotionally and don’t even recognize the person I am right now. I was actually looking at books last night, so it’s great I can access this post today. Thank you.
Emily Johnston says
Super excited to join the book club! I just ordered the first book. I have a 5 yo, 3 yo, and currently 36 weeks pregnant with baby boy #3 so this is all very applicable!! Thanks for putting it together!
Katie Bresette says
Love the book club idea! I just got Breathe, Mama, Breathe and Love Unending as Christmas gifts from my husband. I can’t wait to start them. With 3 kids 4 and under, I’m hoping I’ll be able to keep up!
Kristen says
Mom Set Free by Jeannie Cunnion! Got it for Christmas. It’s faith-based too. The tag line is “find relief from the pressure to get it all right” which seems relevant to what you’ve been talking about in your Instagram stories!
Michelle says
Can’t wait! Just put Breathe, Mama, Breathe on hold at the library!
Laura Diiulio says
“The Second Nine Months” made me laugh until I cried. The realest, truest, rawest words put to paper about what being a brand new mom is really like. So nice to have something so entertaining and relatable during those marathon nursing sessions that seem to never end. I’ve given a copy to all of my mom friends as a right of passage.
Dana says
I am so excited about this!
Kelly says
The Four Agreements might peak your interest. I know you were looking for books that were not faith based, but I feel the faith in this book is pretty far reaching. It does not focus necessarily on Christianity, but spirituality in general and that might make it more relate-able for those who don’t identify with Christianity.
Joan says
I’m in 😉 just ordered the first book! Can’t wait.
Brenna Hess says
I am so excited about this book club and connecting with other mama’s about it. I love reading and really need to make more time for it in my life. After I had my firstborn, my mom bought me the book, One Hot Mama: The Guide to Getting Your Mind and Body Back After Baby by Erin Cox. I must admit I haven’t read it cover to cover yet, but what I’ve read so far, I really enjoyed what I have read of it though. Another book I highly recommend is The Kind Mama by Alicia Silverstone. Partly because the 90’s girl in me will always idolize her from Clueless and then also because it’s just got some really great points in it. So, those are my recommendations. Can’t wait to go on this journey with y’all! Happy reading everyone!
Sara K says
I read One Hot Mama! I liked it!!
Julie says
I’m in! So looking forward to this!
Jenna says
This really spoke to me! So excited for this! Thank you for always being so real! I relate so much to your stories during pregnancy! I wish someone had told me to read these books while I was on bed rest instead of What To Expect lol! Because really…labor = have no expectations haha! I have Present over Perfect and haven’t started yet, but there is another suggestion. Thanks again! Best wishes!
Raema Mauriello says
Awwww thank you for including my book in your book club!! What an honor! I hope you love it ????
Sara K says
I started both Breathe Mamma Breathe and the new Emily Ley book last week. I only have about 10mins before bed to read at the end of my work day but I’m trying my best! And I’m a librarian…how sad right! I am usually focusing on research instead of pleasure books. To same time I’m listening to the audio book Breathe Mamma Breathe to and from work. It’s free if you have the Hoopla app! Our library offers the Hoopla app free for card holders!
Lindsey says
Ordering the first book now!
Heather mcclentic says
Totally in on this!!
Tara DeBenedictis says
I’d love to do this! Count me in!
Blair Sucher says
These books are look fantastic! Since my son was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect, I feel like I have totally lost myself in caring for him. Working on finding time to sit down and read these books which seem like they would not only offer a break but also encourage us mamas! Thanks for sharing!
Theresa Brown says
Thank you so much for this! This is something I need for a lot of reasons. One being I need to read more, and two I’ve been feeling like I’m not being the best mom I could be. And it’s time to fix this! Can’t wait to start reading the first book.
Brandi W says
Well I only missed this by 4 years 🤣😭