A Day in the Life of a Full-time Working, Exclusively Pumping Mom November 19, 2013
(That is totally a picture of me pumping and driving. I was stopped, I promise.)
Some things to know about my daily life: I work as a visiting nurse, which means my hours are super flexible. I’m paid from 830am-5pm, but I’m only on the road for maybe half that time. The remaining time I work from home. My company is incredibly amazing and has been working with me around when I have caregivers at home for Landon. So until the new year, my schedule has been a little wonky and I’m working afternoons MWF and mornings TTh. I also pick up on call a LOT, or have just offered to help on weekends (something I rarely did before), to try to make up for the money we lost while I was on maternity leave.
So seeing as today is Tuesday, I will give you a rundown of how Tuesdays look for us.
5:00am – Wake up. I know, stupid early. But Landon doesn’t wake up until 6:15ish, so I need to pump before he gets up in case my husband has to leave before 6am. While I pump, I blog, finish work, eat breakfast, wish I could go back to sleep.
6:15am-ish – Landon wakes up and eats. He is such a distracted eater so this can take some time.
7:00am – Wake time for Landon. While he is awake, I play with him and get ready at the same time. So, I’ll put him in his pack n play with some toys and do my makeup next to him. Sometimes I’ll even put him in the Ergo (this is usually closer to his nap time around 8-8:30am) and prep bottles, wash bottles (I’M SO SICK OF BOTTLES), get my pump bag ready, pack snacks for work, etc. etc. I’ll also get him dressed for the day and organize everything for when his babysitter arrives with her little one.
8-8:30am – Sometime during here, Landon will go down for a nap. It varies by 15 minutes depending on when he woke up. As soon as he goes down, I get the dog in his crate (we don’t leave him out when the babysitter is here) and finish prepping my work things.
9:00am – Babysitter arrives, I’m out the door.
9:30am – Officially at my first patient. I see 4-6 patients a day depending on the type of visit I’m doing.
11:00am – I pump in the car. Usually while driving. Time management at it’s finest! Pumping in the car is an acquired skill, I must say. At this point I’m a pro, but the first few days I was all thumbs with it. Pumping while driving saves me SIGNIFICANT time. I usually try to pump when I know I have a longer commute to my next patient. Otherwise, I’ll pull over before I get to the next patient’s house. I figure they don’t want to see an accidental nipple slippage, and I also don’t want to risk someone coming outside next to my car to “talk to me” (totally has happened before)
1:30ishpm – I’m done seeing patients for the day (my work day ends at 5, so I’m still on the clock). I head home, relieve my babysitter of her duties (although we usually gab for like, an hour. Clearly we are both desperate for adult conversation because this happens ALL the time 😉 So fun when your babysitter is a good friend of yours!) Landon is usually just getting up at this time, so I’ll feed him while we gab. Then his wake time starts all over again. He’s currently loving Baby Einstein videos. During this time, I’ll also be answering work e-mails that usually come through.
3:30-4ishpm – Landon goes back down for a nap, and I pump again. I’ll answer more e-mails, finish my work, and make phone calls if needed. I usually realize that at this point I haven’t even though about dinner, so I TRY to come up with something to cook (TRY).
5ishpm – Landon is up again. And that was his last nap for the day, which means he will be awake for 3 hours until bed time. Usually my husband is home at this point, so we switch off on feeding/playing with Landon and cooking/cleaning up from the day. A lot of times this ends in order a grilled chicken salad up the street from our favorite take out place. But this week, I made chicken soup, which means I have at least 3 nights worth of dinner already prepared (woo!)
7:00pm – Bath time for Landon! He loves this time of day.
7:30pm – Landon gets his last bottle for the night, I read the Jesus Storybook Bible while feeding him, and he’s in bed by 8:00pm.
8-9:00pm – I will ATTEMPT to exercise. Attempt. If I’m too tired at this point, it’s a lost cause. Otherwise I’m showering and getting myself ready for bed. Or blogging. Or enjoying an hour where I don’t need to think of anything. Or eating Froyo that my husband went and picked up from down the street.
9:00pm – Last. Pump. Of. The. Day. This is the worst. I am usually so tired at this point that I’m falling asleep while pumping. And I’ve totally fallen asleep for AN HOUR before. Ask me how my nipples felt after that! Once I’m done, that sweet husband of mine will prep bottles and stuff for the next day.
9:45-10pm – I crash in bed. It’s pretty much impossible for me to stay awake longer. The only way I will is if I know my husband doesn’t have to be at work stupid early the next morning, which means I can sleep “in” until 6am because he can help feeding Landon.
*SIGH* This is exhausting just reading it! Some days go better than others, but I know that’s just life. Even if I didn’t work, it would still be exhausting. Being a MOM is exhausting! But sooooooo worth it. 🙂
What’s your day look like as a mom??
Tiffany says
Thanks for this post! You are very inspiring! Breast feeding seems intimidating but your routine just might work for a lot of us working -soon to be- moms!
Kelley says
It was really great reading your schedule with your full-time work and exclusively pumping. I have recently been very frustrated with the amount of time exclusively pumping, along with working 40hrs a week and school too. I have just started to wean from 7 pumps a day about 1 month ago and now to 5 pumps a day. The most frustrating part is actually finding time to exercise that is a challenge and one I haven’t figured out yet. I need to exercise in the morning before going to work but that would mean getting up at like 445am, ugh! I would need to pump head to the gym workout get ready for work. Working out at night is not really an option because that is when I do my homework, spend time with the little guy and my husband.
It’s nice to know other exclusively pumping mom’s are frustrated and tired.
Brandi says
Hi! I just found your blog and was curious if when you went down to just 4 pumps a day? I am just returning to work and due to a never ending round with thrush I’m not exclusively pumping my son who’s 12 weeks. I’m currently pumping 6 times a day but would love to cut down some especially on the weekends. Also, would you mind sharing how much Landon eats vs how much you pump a day?
Martin says
I’ve exclusively pump for little over 3months now. When my little one was born I was pumpkin every 2 hours even setting an alarm at night…..talk about tired! My husband is great getting up with her at night so I can try to sleep. Don’t know about the rest of you but I’m a light sleeper so sleeping is hard while she cries lol. I work full time. I get up at 5:00 am pump for about 45 mins to hour. Eat breakfast get ready for work and out the door by 6:30a.m. I drive an hour to work and home. My husband gets her up in takes her to babysitters. Thank God for him! I get to pump 3 times at work 9,12, & 3 o’clock. All for 45mins at a time. I get off work @ 5:30pm. I pump while I drive to pick up the little one since it takes me an hour to get to her. Then straight home once I have her…..babysitter only lives 10mins away from home. 7:00 pm is bath, bottle and story time. Down by 8:00p.m. I wait to make sure she is passed out asleep before I start to pump. I’ve had to stop pumping and walk upstairs with these things attached to me to calm her down. So, now I wait a good 30 mins before I start. Husband gets home from work around 9:30-9:45ish pm. I try staying up to spend time with him but I usually pass out on couch. I stopped pumping at night. I physically couldn’t do it anymore. Fridays and Saturdays are my hardest days to pump. I’m off husband works 8am to 9:pm so it’s me and baby girl. I haven’t figured out a routine. She naps I pump she’ll wake some times during pumping and she’s up for few hours playing and talking and wanting to be held and we read and no time for house work. No time for pumping! I pump way less on these days. Talk about being sore!!! Losing hours at work……being frustrated trying to find time to pump to clean to give her attention and spending time with my husband……ugh! Then she smiles and laughs and talks my ear off and I know it’s hard but she’s worth it. It will be ok. I’ll pump when I can and get hugs and kiss now. Sundays everyone is off. Still hard because we don’t want to stay in the house so I lug my pump with us were ever we go and pump in the car or we’re ever I can. Hang in there is what I tell myself…….. only 9 more months to pump. Good luck to all exclusive pumpers…..it is very hard to do.